Our 表演艺术 Division provides collaborative, rigorous and contemporary programs across 音乐, 剧院, 跳舞 and Performance 设计 and Technology. 创作者和表演者, the 表演艺术 Division fosters discovery, ideas and creativity through innovative learning. Students co-create [live] art. 作为从业者, 研究人员和学者, faculty members foster depth of discovery and life-long learning. Each program is designed to be inclusive of all stages of skill, 能力与经验, while facilitating student mastery at all levels.


表演艺术 provides collaborative, rigorous and contemporary programs across 音乐, 剧院, 跳舞 and Performance 设计 and Technology. 创作者和表演者, 表演艺术 fosters discovery, ideas and creativity through innovative learning. Students co-create [live] art. 作为从业者, 研究人员和学者, faculty members foster depth of discovery and life-long learning. Each program is designed to be inclusive of all stages of skill, 能力与经验, while facilitating student mastery at all levels.

程序 主要的 学位 额外的信息
跳舞 主要提供 未成年人提供 论坛
音乐 主要提供 未成年人提供 英航,论坛
Performance 设计 and Technology 主要提供 未成年人提供 论坛
剧院 主要提供 未成年人提供 英航,论坛

BA -文学士 BS -理学学士 论坛 -美术学士

* Corning Community College degree completion program

程序 大师 博士学位 证书 额外的信息

MA -文学硕士 MS -理学硕士 Ed女士 -理学硕士 in Education 工商管理硕士 - Master of Business Administration MFA -美术硕士 MPA - Master of Public Administration

博士学位-哲学博士学位 大多数-心理学博士

中科院- 证书 of Advanced Study

* Corning Community College degree completion program

** CITE / New York City Low Residency 程序


本科 表演艺术 Portfolio

For Bachelor of Fine 艺术 (论坛) in Interdisciplinary 表演艺术 with focus areas in 跳舞, 音乐表演, 音乐健康研究,...

Prospective student talking with arts faculty


访问 us virtually or in-person and let us show you around! We also attend a number of National Portfolio Day events and may be coming to a city near you!

教师 teaching students outside


Want to see what a future with Alfred looks like? 它很简单. Just tell us a bit about yourself and what some of your college goals are.

表演艺术 Student Stories


感谢你,杰森! (Sculpture/Dimensional Studies, Performance 设计 Tech)

"Combining my interests in fine art and theater, I seek to blur the line that has long separated the two areas by employing my traditional art skills and knowledge into my theatrical design work."

杰森·迪林高产, 2016
